8 Activities in Inverness under £10

Do you ever find that the weekend arrives and you have absolutely no idea what you're going to do with it? You know you want to get out and do something but you don't know what that something is. I frequently feel like this. And so often, the weather in Inverness can be a bit rubbish … Continue reading 8 Activities in Inverness under £10

My Year Abroad – À Bientôt, Amiens! (5/5)

It’s crazy to think how fast 7 months can pass. My last week as an English Language Assistant was the week the spring holidays started. It was difficult having to say goodbye to all of my classes. With 2 weeks of free time before going home, I travelled to 5 cities across 3 different countries. I’ve written about them and put them in ‘order’ of my favourite to ‘least’ favourite trips below (who am I kidding? I loved them all!). Enjoy!